MoLD: The Solution
We can fix the problems with a new roguelike, and have some fun in doing so.
Meet MoLD.
- MoLD is written in OO Perl - MoLD will be written cleanly in
Object-Oriented Perl. This gets us free portability (for the
backend, at least) to many different operating systems, and lets
us do OO portably with decent performance
- MoLD is Public Domain - There shouldn't be any quibbles
about the license with this. The best license is no license.
- Source - MoLD's source is available. In fact, as it's a
Perl program, unless someone out there starts distributing
things using the Perl compiler, the binary is the source.
- MoLD will be clean - Care will be taken in the development
of MoLD to keep the architecture clean, using abstraction,
test suites for each component, etc.