How should we set up our attribute system? - It would be good to avoid the D&D mess of 18/??? attrs -- it's very ugly to the eye - Like D&D and Z, it should be possible to get attrs with magic and potions that are above what is possible to be born with - Unlike Z and D&D, it would be nice to ensure that stats don't really 'max out' so all characters beyond a certain point are the same. How can this be done nicely? Perhaps beyond a certain point, a gain in one stat should decrease the others, or a strong diminishing returns idea... D&D handles this much better than Z even if we imagine items of stat gain being as rare in each, but we may be able to do better yet. If we do decide on the decrease idea, perhaps physical stats should oppose mental ones. Alternatively, players perhaps should select one or two stats that will not increase over their starting values. - I like the way Z tries (at least a bit) to make all stats useful to all classes, even though some classes obviously favour some stats. - I don't think that the relationship between strength and dexterity is quite right in Z/AD&D WRT what they affect. Dexterity should probably be the thing to set probability of a hit, and the ratio between strength and dexterity affecting AC should ideally shift as the weight of one's gear changes. Regardless of how dexterous one is, one shouldn't get Dex bonuses in one's armour if one is barely strong enough to move in it - Speed should affect AC - Dexterity+Weight should affect speed. There shouldn't be a strict cutoff where a player starts losing speed from carrying things. Initial construction of attrib system (may change) Strength - Represents character's ability to lift and carry things, as well as handle certain kinds of items. Certain kinds of bows cannot even be used by characters without a certain level of strength Agility - Represents character's reflexes and ability to move. Less agile creatures will have difficulty hitting their foes, are slower, and will more easily be hit by their enemies. Health - Represents character's general health, resistance to disease, and the degree of punishment they can take. Certain magic effects and most gross physical effects are handled better by healthy characters. One's HPs are also affected by this attrib Intuition - Intuition is the primary statistic of maji, and also affects a character's ability to get 'vibes' about the dungeon level and items he/she/it carries Willpower - Willpower is the primary statistic of theurgists, and is also used to determine defense against magic attacks, as being one of the factors contributing to a 'magical defense' factor. Learning - Learning is used to determine how quickly characters gain access to new spells, class skills, racial skills, and how effective they are at use of magical items Charisma - Charisma is used, along with race and class factors, in determining prices of items. The gradation is much more noticable than in Z. It may be possible for characters with high charisma to make money carting things between towns, although they certainly would need to fend off monsters on the way. Intuition and Willpower set the mana for maji and theurgists, respectively.